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Stone Soup 2023 Schedule and Class Descriptions

Saturday Schedule 

8:30-9:15 Registration/vending opens


9:00-9:30 Warm-up with Erin


9:30-12:00 Fly Fusion with Violet - Fly Fusion is a very fun and fusion-y format for group improvisation! In this workshop, Violet will introduce you to part of Fly’s slow vocabulary and give you everything you need to do it in a group by the end of class! All levels of Fly experience are welcome (including no experience at all!).


12:00-1:00 Lunch 


1:00-3:00 Sassy Switch with Lisa 

The “Sassy Switch” is a technique for creating dynamic performances and switching the lead in FCBD performances.  Created by Dawn Ruckert, this formation change is easy to master and fun to use.  Lisa will be teaching you how to Sassy Switch with FCBD Level 1 and 2 movements.  Learning FCBD with baskets is not part of this workshop, but Lisa will demonstrate Sassy Switch with baskets and participants who attended the Friday Basket Certification training will have the option to use and practice their basket movements in this workshop! 


 3:30-5:00 Flip It Good with Erin

Get ready to flip out with the Banduri Phase 1 and Phase 2 flipped vocabulary.  This dance form uses FCBDstyle vocabulary as a basis to explore body balance, left-right strength and coordination, and modifications for longevity and health in your dance practice.  We’ll be spending two hours delighting and confounding your brain with flipped lead vocabulary, exciting lead changes, and creative formations.

Whether you’re a seasoned FCBD dancer interested in expanding your dance practice or you’d like to hop in on an exciting and growing new dialect community, you are welcome here!


5:00 Dinner on your own


7:00 Stone Soup Saturday Showcase 



Sunday  Schedule 

8:30-9:30 Registration/vending opens


 9:00-9:30 Warm-up with Erin


 9:30-11:30 Flourish with Lisa

Dancers of all levels have joined together in Red Sage Collective to create a new style of improvisational dance for groups.  Most dance styles are created by a talented dancer and taught to students.  In Flourish, everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student.  Any participating dancer can contribute to the dance vocabulary!  The Flourish format strives to be accessible to all dancers, inclusive of any dancer who wants to participate, and respectful of the history and contributions that inspire and inform the movements.

In this workshop you will learn “infinity” movements and short combinations that you can incorporate into your dance style, whether that be group improvisation or choreography.  Get ready to learn some fun movements and to explore a mindset where every dancer can create.


 11:30-12:30 Lunch and Shopping


12:30-2:30 Fusion Improv for Soloists  with Violet

What happens when we leave the comfortable world of a shared “dance vocabulary” and step into the unknown? How can we use the power of raw improvisation to come alive as a dancer and inspire our audience? How can you put the true essence of a song into movement that feels SO right? This topic can be intimidating and scary, but it’s also liberating and beautiful. We’ll approach this topic in solidarity via a safe bubble within to experiment and move yourself a little further out of your comfort zone.


3:00-3:30 Flow Jam with Erin 

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